Friday, November 14, 2008

wedding supplies for your wedding day

Many wedding venues offer onsite catering and more importantly do not allow offsite caterers to work at your wedding. It's extremely important to carefully screen potential wedding planners and to choose a wedding planner who has the experience and resources necessary to plan your wedding so that it meets and exceeds all of your expectations.

Since the maid of honor is probably one of the bride's closest friends it stands to reason that the maid of honor is the ideal candidate to host a few gatherings. From the moment they put on the dress, their gut instinct tells them that this is the perfect wedding dress for them. In this position the ring is considered to be turned inward and symbolizes that the heart of the person wearing the ring is taken.

A good idea is the potluck, or if you have the funds, have some finger foods catered. It is also not appropriate to hold the wedding shower very early in the engagement before the couple has had the opportunity to create their registry. The previously married party will have to seek an annulment that verifies that the previous marriage was not valid.

Arriving in a horse drawn carriage is a very elegant way to include the fairy tale theme. God bless you both who drink this mead, may it always fill your every need.

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